
Showing posts from April, 2023
Is ChatGPT Harmful or Helpful to Business Professionals? Part 2 The Bad B. The Bad As ChatGPT was trained by both human and machine trainers prior to its public release, given the immense amount of misinformation on the web, it can provide erroneous answers. For instance, when asked a simple question about a book, it may offer a mix of correct and incorrect content - and different wrong answers each time the response is generated. Although ChatGPT knows its limitations and offers a disclaimer warning to the users about potential inaccuracies, the potential that users could become overly reliant on the chatbot’s answers without verifying their accuracy. Indeed, one of the major concerns is that ChatGPT can provide a partially correct answer with a very authoritative-sounding explanation or reasoning behind it. Thus, to rely on the chatbot to provide a completely accurate answer each time, or to even believe that it could do so is a significant issue that users must be aware of. Another
Is ChatGPT Harmful or Helpful to Business Professionals? Part 1.2 The Good A. The Good, continues Traditional AI programs such as SAP or Enterprise Systems that were designed to assist accountants in their decision-making process can only generate mechanical suggestions according to guidelines set by human users. In comparison, rather than the formulaic computer program language produced by these older AIs, ChatGPT, without the aid of the internet, answers a wide array of questions and requests as if it has been studying and accumulating a wide spectrum of knowledge for years. ChatGPT can also learn and improve its accuracy from ongoing interactions with users in its constant evolution. That is, ChatGPT can anticipate users’ needs and questions to provide the assistance they seek. It remembers its answers to previous questions and can reference answers previously generated from ongoing interactions with users. ChatGPT draws its functionality from the massive text data accumulated in it
"Not Nice" is the Way to Find Your Identity The blog posts on 1/25/23 and 2/5/23 discussed the first two steps of finding one's true identity: (1) Small and consistent steps of change and (2) unconditional self-love. This week's post will discuss step three: "Not Nice." Society has conditioned us from a young age to "play nice." Many of us hope that being "nice" will earn people's approval and a favorable view of ourselves. We have been told that only "nice" boys and girls receive gifts from Santa. Conventional wisdom believes that if one is not "nice" then one must be "naughty." However, "not nice" is not naughty, but being authentic to oneself. When one is forced to go against one's true identity in order to "play nice," one is regressing on the path of finding one's true identity. The emphasis is on being authentic, not selfish. They are two distinct characteristics. A s